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I loved this game at the moment I'm obsessed with the way you make games, not only for the style but the unseize that give me whilst I'm playing i never know what to expect. 

Keep up the great work  

(game 1 in 3 scary games video) 

Such an unsettling short horror game! Amazing job loved it!


Thanks for the thrills!

5 OUT OF 5!! This game was truly disturbing with a fun simple premise built around it! MUST PLAY for horror gamers!
(1 edit)

 this is also good:)

I can't believe I finished this game without one balloon popping in one take record (First Try). Lucky me



WOW! I literally froze at the end of the game and had no words to say. This was the most haunting, depressing and thought provoking experience with a horror game and not to mention a game jam project? You did this for a game jam? SHUT UP! LITERALLY THE BEST!

I loved every single detail, the ambiguity, the subtle atmosphere and that ending needs to be investigated, it was bizarre and unexpected. Phenomenal job!
Best of luck with everything Eduardo and can't wait to play more games from you!

Thank you for the review!!
I loved the video S2